Offers of Admission and Acceptance
Admission decisions are made by the faculty within the individual academic options. Each option has a different schedule for considering applications and admission will be offered as the faculty make decisions on individual applications. Applicants may be notified at any time between the deadline for submission and April 1. Offers are made as soon as possible so that students will have a chance to consider graduate study at Caltech together with opportunities from other institutions. Many options offer admitted students the chance to visit in order to learn more about the program, the campus, and community prior to making their decision. The arrangements and schedule for visiting days are set by the individual options, and each option will work with admitted students and faculty to coordinate visits.
Once offers of admission are approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies, students will be officially notified of admission by through the online admissions portal. A letter from the Dean is the official Institute notification and discussions and/or written communications with the individual options do not constitute an offer of admission to Caltech and are not binding. Applicants must accept or decline Caltech's offer by April 15, in accordance with the Council of Graduate Schools in order for the decision of admission to be valid.
Acceptance of Admission
Caltech supports the resolution on admission acceptance from the Council of Graduate Schools and expects students to also honor these conditions for accepting an admission offer: