Recreational, Advocacy, and Social Resources
Graduate Student Council (GSC)
The goal of the Graduate Student Council is to maximize the quality of life for graduate students. On the GSC website you can find a calendar of GSC-promoted social events, including the monthly social hour (GUSH) and quarterly term parties. The GSC weekly announcements are sent every Monday to help keep you informed about what's going on around campus. All Caltech graduate students are welcome to attend any of the monthly meetings regarding academics, advocacy, and social programming. Though small, Caltech is a rich and vibrant community. Interesting things are going on all the time and we encourage you to take advantage of all that is happening. Progress in lab is important, but so is your overall happiness— including physical and mental health, so don't feel like you have to be stuck in the lab 24/7.
Caltech is dedicated to supporting all aspects of graduate students' lives. If there is a program that you'd like to see, or other suggestions that you have, visit the GSC website.

Physical Education and Recreation
For those who desire a less formal athletic environment, Caltech offers a balanced program of individual and group activities through a variety of intercollegiate, physical education, club, intramural, and informal recreational activities such as swimming, racquetball, tennis, aerobics, yoga, cardio, weights, or use of the recreational equipment. Be sure to present your Caltech ID. Membership for students is covered by the mandatory student fees, and a spouse/partner and family members can join for a small annual fee. Please check Athletics for more information and current rates.

The Caltech Y
Since its founding by students in 1916, the Y has been a place for students to plan events for the campus community and gather in a relaxed creative environment. During your Caltech years, you will surely participate in or benefit from Y programs ranging from community service projects and outdoor adventures, to cultural events and educational forums. The Caltech Y mission enriches student life and challenges students to grow into responsible and engaged citizens of the world. Leadership opportunities are available for students who wish to play an active role on campus either through coordinating volunteer projects, planning outdoor trips, or serving on the ExComm, the Y's student governing board.
For a full listing of all the Y has to offer including discount movie tickets sales, AV and camping equipment rentals, access to the Y lounge and more, go to Caltech Y.

Music, Art & Theater at Caltech
Many Caltech graduate students received their undergraduate degrees at colleges and universities with music, art, and theater departments. Participation in music groups, roles in plays, and even access to individual practice rooms may not have been available to you as a science or engineering major. Such is not the case at Caltech! There are no art, music, or theater majors at Caltech, yet several hundred students actively participate in arts programs. If you've been involved in the arts as an undergraduate, you are most welcome to continue at Caltech. If your singing, acting, piano playing, or drawing skills are a bit rusty, or might even have been dormant since high school, there's still a place for you in a Caltech music ensemble, theater production, or art class.
Theater Arts at Caltech typically prepares and performs two or three plays each academic year. For additional information, please check Performing and Visual Arts.

Sustainability at Caltech
Sustainability at Caltech aims to enhance Caltech's core mission of research and education by reducing Caltech's environmental impact and promoting stewardship within the Caltech community. Whether you are looking to further sustainability at Caltech, implement simple practices to live more sustainable lives or learn about the latest developments in sustainability, we encourage you to browse the sustainability website.