Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
The Associate Dean of Graduate Studies can assist graduate students who are facing a conflict or difficult situation at Caltech that impacts their graduate experience. Examples of scenarios requiring assistance include concerns about the student-advisor relationship, work environment, academic progress, or career choice. Our goal is to provide a safe and impartial space for students to discuss uncomfortable situations.
The Associate Dean will listen to your concerns and provide impartial assistance toward achieving an equitable resolution.
The Associate Dean can:
- Listen to your concerns in an impartial and nonjudgmental manner.
- Seek additional information that is relevant to your situation.
- Provide information about Institute policies and processes relevant to your situation.
- Provide advice on future steps and make referrals.
- If requested, act as a facilitator to bring two parties in conflict into a productive discussion.
- Keep information confidential as much as possible. Please note, however, that the Associate Dean is not a confidential resource, as defined in the Institute's unlawful harassment policy. For example, if information related to Title IX or unlawful harassment is received, the Associate Dean is obligated by Institute policy to report it to the Title IX and Equity Office. If appropriate, the Associate Dean may discuss your situation with the staff at the Office of Graduate Studies in order to find the best resolution.
Please note the following limitations:
- Depending on the situation, neither the Associate Dean nor the Office of Graduate Studies may have the authority to bring the case to a final resolution. However, the Associate Dean can help navigate your case through the appropriate Institute process.
- The Associate Dean is an impartial facilitator, not a student or faculty advocate.
- The Associate Dean will generally not manage situations unrelated to Caltech.
- As noted above, the Associate Dean is not a confidential resource, as defined in the Institute's unlawful harassment policy. The confidential resources at Caltech are the mental health professionals in the Counseling Services at Student Wellness Services and the Staff & Faculty Consultation Center.