New Students

Welcome to Caltech!
We are delighted that you will be joining us this year and look forward to meeting you and working with you over the course of your graduate degree program. The entire campus is ready to welcome you and to help make your transition to Caltech as smooth as possible.
The 2025 Orientation program for all new graduate students will take place September 22–26, 2025. The program begins with the campus-wide convocation, followed by mandatory graduate student information sessions, and concludes with Teaching Training. The Orientation program will consist of both prerecorded introductions to Caltech's resources, which will be posted online in early September as well as in-person events and social activities for people to meet and connect. Please check the Orientation Schedule during the summer for up-to-date details.
The first day of instruction for Academic Year 2025-26 is September 29, 2025. Below, we have outlined some important information here for you to review and take action.
Effective, Monday, June 19, 2023, Caltech will end its current COVID-19 vaccination requirement for all Caltech employees and students.
This decision aligns with local public health authority recommendations and state and federal health protocols. The Institute's COVID-19 vaccination requirement has been in effect since August 2021.
As of June 19, current and incoming students, faculty members, postdoctoral scholars, and staff members will no longer be required to provide proof of their full vaccination status or to have an approved exemption on file with the Institute. Consistent with this decision, contractors, temporary employees, campus affiliates, and other guests and visitors to campus will no longer need to provide proof of vaccination or to otherwise self-attest to their COVID-19 vaccination or approved exemption status.
Caltech encourages all members of the community to stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines in accordance with CDC guidelines. Vaccinations and boosters are safe and proven to be highly effective in reducing the risk of serious illness, hospitalization, and death related to COVID-19.
The Institute will continue to monitor conditions on campus and in our broader community and will update campus health protocols as appropriate.
Please remember that all members of the campus community have access to
- free COVID-19 PCR tests through UCLA SwabSeq's voluntary community surveillance testing program.
- same-day, symptomatic testing through Student Wellness Services. Community members may request an appointment for symptomatic testing by calling 626-395-6393. While testing capacity may be limited, appointments are available 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- free N95 and KN95 masks, which are available for pick up with a Caltech ID at the Caltech store.
Anyone who tests positive through the community surveillance testing program or another testing service must report their positive test result through the Caltech COVID-19 Reporting application. Promptly reporting positive test results through this application allows the COVID-19 Management Team to follow up as appropriate and assists Institute leadership in monitoring the spread of infection within the Caltech community.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation with the Institute's health protocols.
Caltech students, faculty, postdocs, and staff members working on campus may participate in a free, voluntary community surveillance testing program, administered by UCLA SwabSeq.
The program is supported with a California Department of Public Health grant to UCLA, and is independent from Caltech. Student Wellness Services (SWS) will facilitate access to the testing kits and provide a collection sample drop-off box on campus. SWS is not involved in registering participants or recording individuals' results or program participation.
Those who choose to participate will register directly with UCLA SwabSeq, and will receive test results through their preferred contact method. Participants who test positive through this program must separately notify the Institute through the Caltech COVID-19 Reporting Application so that the COVID-19 Management Team may follow up as is appropriate.
UCLA SwabSeq will report testing results to public health authorities per federal, state, and county guidelines. UCLA SwabSeq will also report aggregate data (total tests and total positive cases) to the Institute.
Program Details:
- Testing Kits: Individual self-collection saliva testing kits will be available for pick-up outside the front door of the SWS health center (1239 Arden Road, Pasadena, CA, 91106), Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Individuals may take up to 3 kits at a time. Instructions on how to register will be provided with each test kit. Some kits will also be available to students in residences on an as-needed basis through the Residential Life Coordinators.
- Testing Schedule: Members of the community who elect to participate in the program may determine how frequently they wish to submit samples. There is no minimum or maximum requirement for weekly testing.
- Sample Collection Process: Individuals who have completed a test may return their sample to the collection box located on the Olive Walk, near the entrance to Lloyd House. The collection box will be open weekly from 8 a.m. on Tuesday to 11 a.m. on Thursday. Samples will be collected at 11 a.m., Tuesday through Thursday, with results returned within 24 hours.
- Test Results: Participants will be notified directly of both negative and positive test results through their preferred communication method, either email or text message, as indicated in their test kit registration. Members of the community who test positive must separately report their case to the Institute through the COVID-19 Reporting Application.
For additional questions or program details, please contact the COVID-19 Management Team at
All entering graduate students who submit a housing application by the deadline, and who select at least two eligible housing choices on their application are guaranteed on-campus housing for the coming year. Students who plan to arrive during the summer term between June 16 and August 30, must have a faculty sponsor and be enrolled as a non-degree student in order to be eligible for summer housing. Please contact your primary Option Manager at least 30 days prior to your anticipated arrival so they can prepare the documents necessary to receive an official invitation letter from the Dean. Housing check-in will take place during business hours only, Monday to Thursday, from 8:30am to 4:30pm (excluding Institute holidays). Students arriving outside of business hours or on weekends or holidays should make alternate lodging arrangements.
All housing residents must have submitted proof of immunizations to Student Wellness Services by June 2 if arriving in the summer, and no later than July 30 for fall term arrivals.
Website: Housing
Completion of the entrance health forms is required for every incoming student. Students must submit all required information through the Student Health Portal by July 30, 2025. The portal will open in June once you have received your email and UID from the Registrar's Office. Please visit for full instructions on completing your entrance health forms.
To prepare, we recommend that students:
- Gather your vaccine records and health information ahead of time
- Keep an eye on the New Student Health Entrance Requirements section on the Student Wellness Services website
- Monitor your Student Health Portal Secure Messages for important messages from Student Wellness Services (SWS)
- Communicate in advance of 7/30/25 if you may have difficulty obtaining a requirement prior to your arrival on campus
Reminder: If a student hasn't submitted their information or contacted Health Services by the first day of classes, the registrar will drop students from their Fall classes. Please reach out to SWS with any questions and read your Student Health Portal Secure Messages.
Website: MyHealth Portal
For many students, relocating can incur unexpected costs and often presents a financial burden. To help alleviate this burden, Caltech offers a 0% interest loan of $3,000 to incoming students. The funds will be disbursed through the Bursar's Office starting on September 22, 2025, and repayment begins in April 2026 over the course of 18 months. New students interested in applying for the loan should complete and submit the response form no later than July 18, 2025. Further instructions will then be sent regarding completing the loan documents and the disbursement of funds.
Student Patent and Computer Software Agreement Form
Send the completed form to the Registrar via email.
Send the completed form to the Registrar via email.
(US Citizens and Permanent Residents only). Send the completed form to the secure Payroll Services dropbox.
Students will receive information regarding signing up for direct deposit during the I-9 process.
All students who earn a stipend/wages are required by law to complete Form I-9 within three business days of the start of employment. Caltech collects information for Form I-9 electronically and instructions will be emailed in the Summer. The documentation required for Section 2 must be reviewed for authenticity by Human Resources or ISP in the case of international students. Examples of acceptable documents can be found on page 8 here.
Caltech requires that all registered students have medical and dental insurance — either Caltech insurance or other insurance. Students are automatically enrolled in Caltech's Health plan unless you have completed a waiver request and meet the minimum guidelines. For medical, your other insurance must meet Caltech's waiver requirements. For questions or assistance, please visit the Benefits website. Coverage begins September 1, 2025.
Website: Benefits
Pre-Arrival Checklist
All incoming students will receive information regarding a Caltech email account. If you have not received instructions for activating your email by mid-summer, please contact the Registrar's Office.
All new students are required to complete the online course in Responsible Conduct of Research prior to enrollment. Once you have received your Caltech UID, you will be expected to log onto the CITI training site via access.caltech and complete the short training course no later than the first day of the Fall term, September 29.
Caltech recognizes that transcripts for the spring term 2020 and beyond may reflect pass/fail or other non-standard grading options, but final transcripts are required from all previously attended colleges or universities. Please arrange for your previous institution(s) to send one copy of your transcript noting any degrees received and the date of conferral to: Office of the Registrar, Mail Code 125-87, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125 or email to
Caltech encourages all members of the community to stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines in accordance with CDC guidelines. Vaccinations and boosters are safe and proven to be highly effective in reducing the risk of serious illness, hospitalization, and death related to COVID-19.
Other Immunization Requirements
If you are unable to obtain the required immunizations, tests for immunity, or tuberculosis (TB) testing at your current location, please make an appointment at Student Wellness Services within one week of your arrival on campus to have these items completed at your expense. Student Wellness Services does not bill insurance and does not submit insurance claims on your behalf. Please upload all available required forms and acknowledge the compliance forms by July 30, 2025, even if you require additional testing or immunizations.
- Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR): Two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine OR blood test showing immunity (positive titers).
- Varicella (Chicken Pox): Two doses of varicella (chicken pox) vaccine OR blood test showing immunity (positive titer).
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap): One dose of tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) given after age 7. Afterward, a booster dose of tetanus and diphtheria (Td) every ten years.
- Meningococcal Conjugate ACWY (Meningitis): One dose of meningococcal conjugate ACWY (meningitis) after age 16 for all students under age 22.
Each academic option has a faculty Option Representative and a staff Option Manager who are primary resources for graduate students. A list of the option contacts can be found here.
Caltech is committed to maintaining a diverse academic community, and welcoming individuals with a broad spectrum of talents and experiences to its campus and programs. Students with disabilities, actively participating in all aspects of the Caltech experience, are an essential part of that diversity.
CASS will make every reasonable effort to provide academic adjustments and other reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified students with known disabilities, consistent with Caltech's obligations under applicable law; including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Our goal is to provide students with disabilities equal access to all Institute programs, activities and services. To that end, we seek to balance the student's right to access with our obligation to protect the integrity of Institute programs, activities and services.
Information about the registration process and relevant forms can be found on our website. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Contact Information
Caltech attracts the brightest and most creative minds in the world to populate its faculty, research and administrative staffs, and student body. Caltech fosters an environment where various perspectives are valued by seeking out exceptional individuals from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. The CCID website provides information for prospective students, undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, employees, and community members to help serve and grow its diverse community of individuals. As an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer, Caltech encourages women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons to apply for Institute jobs, research and faculty positions, and admission.
The Graduate Student Council (GSC) is a nonprofit organization incorporated on April 19, 1985. All enrolled Caltech graduate students are members of the Caltech GSC.
The GSC's leadership is composed of a Board of Directors (BoD), nominated by the student body. The BoD consists of division representatives, who are elected to represent their specified division. Associate directors, while not voting members of the BoD, may also be elected to serve the graduate student body as a whole.
The International Offices consist of International Scholar Services (ISS), International Student Programs (ISP) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory International Office (JPL). We believe Caltech thrives as a diverse international community. We support international students, scholars, and families in pursuit of professional and personal endeavors through individualized immigration advising, intercultural programming, and advocacy.
Website: International Student Programs (ISP)
Student and Family Engagement (SFE) aids in generating an on-campus home for all Caltech students by developing a safe, engaging, and inclusive environment that supports learning and underscores personal growth. SFE's purpose is to promote the academic, emotional, and personal growth of each student.
Website: Student and Family Engagement (SFE)
The Office of the Registrar develops, maintains, and protects the registration and academic records for the Institute. The Registrar's Office is responsible for the administrative and operational activities surrounding undergraduate and graduate student registration, academic records, commencement, and some reporting. The Registrar's Office acts as the Institute custodian of record for all student-related academic information.
Website: Registrar's Office
Student Wellness Services is available to assist you during your time at Caltech by providing medical care, counseling services, and occupational therapy services.